Art Pilgrimage to Washington, DC
Pilgrimage to Washington, DC to experience the acclaimed Byzantine Art exhibit, Heaven & Earth, at the National Gallery of Art which the New York Times called “resplendent, like a somber cloud with a fire inside.” A movement of adoration stemming from the founding of Constantinople as the fourth century home of Christendom and spanning a thousand years, the art of Byzantium poured outward in iconography reserved principally for veneration. The images are haunting and glorious.
Additionally, the trip will take us to the National Cathedral for a Choral Society event featuring Eya, an a cappella female ensemble singing homage to medieval mystic Hildegard of Bingen. The concert directed by Richard Einhorn will accompany a screening of the silent film classic, The Passion of Joan of Arc.
The pilgrimage was held the weekend of February 22-23, 2014 and led by the Bruce A. Beal Director of the Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College, Dr. Ena Heller alongside GladdeningLight’s founding director Randall B. Robertson.